Hi I'm Billee White
I help you to empower yourself with a more
intimate understanding of who you truly are.
Better understand your emotions, feelings,
thoughts and body by combining western
neuroscience with eastern yogic philosophy.
Hi I'm Billee White,
I help you to empower yourself with a more
intimate understanding of who you truly are.
Better understand your emotions, feelings,
thoughts and body by combining western
neuroscience with eastern yogic philosophy.
Start B.coming You today!
Tools and practices to free your mind and
feel empowered
Embracing Triggers: A Roadmap to Healing and Stronger Relationships
Have you ever felt like triggers were just there to stir up trouble in your relationships? I used to think so too,...
A Guide to Value-Aligned Living
Have you ever found yourself paralyzed by decision-making, caught in an endless loop of pros and cons, yet feeling no...
Embracing Triggers: A Roadmap to Healing and Stronger Relationships
Have you ever felt like triggers were just there to stir up trouble in your relationships? I used to think so too, until I discovered their true purpose. Let's look at an example of a common trigger: your partner forgets to text you back about their plans. Suddenly,...
How to identify anxiety’s symptoms
Recognizing the symptoms of anxiety isn't just about identifying a condition; it's about understanding ourselves on a deeper level and...Navigating through the choppy waters of anxiety can often feel like being lost at sea without a compass. Recognizing the symptoms...
A Guide to Value-Aligned Living
Have you ever found yourself paralyzed by decision-making, caught in an endless loop of pros and cons, yet feeling no closer to a resolution?It's a common predicament, especially in our fast-paced, option-overloaded world. But what if I told you that there's a more...