I was a professional worrier….

Overcoming overthinking and embracing Joy  My childhood was pretty wild, to be honest. Mum suffered from bipolar disorder as well as epilepsy. Her seizures were physically violent  and scary for me to witness while also taking a huge toll on her. I was often the first...

New Year New You?

Feeling the pressure of the New Year?  How are you feeling about the new year? Are you excited and feeling the full potential of possibility for 2023…. or are you feeling the pressure of ‘new year new you’?   If you’re feeling the pressure, you’re not alone....

Here’s how to change your life

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do but are too afraid to try? Learn how I overcome blocks and rewrite my outdated beliefs systems so that you can do the same.  The uncanny way the universe works never ceases to amaze me! Written by More From This...

Ujii Breath

Feeling overwhelmed? Try this breath technique Ujii is an ancient yogic breath practice that calms the nervous system.  If you feeling stressed and overwhelmed a few rounds of this breath will bring back to feeling calm and grounded in just a few minutes. Written by...

Lions Breath

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Jaw Relaxation

Apologies, this content has been curated for BFREE members only. You can register as a BFREE member at the following link: https://bconscious.co.nz/register/bfree/ If you are already a BFREE member, please login below: Username or E-mail Password Remember Me  ...