Ujii Breath

Feeling overwhelmed? Try this breath technique Ujii is an ancient yogic breath practice that calms the nervous system.  If you feeling stressed and overwhelmed a few rounds of this breath will bring back to feeling calm and grounded in just a few minutes. Written by...

Lions Breath

Apologies, this content has been curated for BFREE members only. You can register as a BFREE member at the following link: https://bconscious.co.nz/register/bfree/ If you are already a BFREE member, please login below: Username or E-mail Password Remember Me  ...

Jaw Relaxation

Apologies, this content has been curated for BFREE members only. You can register as a BFREE member at the following link: https://bconscious.co.nz/register/bfree/ If you are already a BFREE member, please login below: Username or E-mail Password Remember Me  ...

Longer Exhale Breath

Longer Exhale Breath by Billee White https://bconscious.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Longer-exhale-breath.mp3 Use this breath to calm yourself down in stressful times Your nervous system is still very primal and operates very simply. It's main objective is to keep...

Voo Breath

Voo yourself to relaxation by Billee White https://bconscious.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Voo-Breath.mp3 It’s time to Voo A cow is super relaxed and so can you be. With the Voo! This will stimulate your Vagus Nerve through vibration which will relax your...