by billee white | Oct 18, 2023 | Master your Mind, Protect your energy, Victim --> Thriver
Is the inner battle you’re fighting f*%king you up? I Remembered back to sitting on the beach stairs, regaining my senses. I watched a super fit woman jogging energetically with her dog. Feeling a bit dazed and out of shape, I was hit by a sudden longing to...
by billee white | Oct 7, 2023 | Master your Mind, Protect your energy
Ever been in that situation where you just feel like a total failure? You know, those times when life, work, and family responsibilities seem like an impossible juggling act, and you’re left questioning yourself? Trust me, you’re not alone in this boat....
by billee white | Jan 16, 2023 | Master your Mind, Protect your energy
Are you always saying ‘this year will be my year”…. The new year can be a time of renewed energy, hope and big dreams for some, but for others it can herald a time of extreme personal pressure. When a year comes to an end there is a natural time of...
by billee white | Nov 13, 2022 | Breathe, Rest to Restore
Feeling overwhelmed? Try this breath technique Ujii is an ancient yogic breath practice that calms the nervous system. If you feeling stressed and overwhelmed a few rounds of this breath will bring back to feeling calm and grounded in just a few minutes. Written by...
by billee white | Oct 27, 2022 | Breathe, Letting go, Level Up, Physically Release
Apologies, this content has been curated for BFREE members only. You can register as a BFREE member at the following link: If you are already a BFREE member, please login below: Username or E-mail Password Remember Me ...
by billee white | Sep 9, 2022 | Breathe, Physically Release, Rest to Restore
Apologies, this content has been curated for BFREE members only. You can register as a BFREE member at the following link: If you are already a BFREE member, please login below: Username or E-mail Password Remember Me ...
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