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Exercises to take you from overwhelm into clarity

Embracing Triggers: A Roadmap to Healing and Stronger Relationships

Have you ever felt like triggers were just there to stir up trouble in your relationships? I used to think so too, until I discovered their true purpose. Let's look at an example of a common trigger: your partner forgets to text you back about their plans. Suddenly,...

How to identify anxiety’s symptoms

 Recognizing the symptoms of anxiety isn't just about identifying a condition; it's about understanding ourselves on a deeper level and...Navigating through the choppy waters of anxiety can often feel like being lost at sea without a compass. Recognizing the symptoms...

A Guide to Value-Aligned Living

Have you ever found yourself paralyzed by decision-making, caught in an endless loop of pros and cons, yet feeling no closer to a resolution?It's a common predicament, especially in our fast-paced, option-overloaded world. But what if I told you that there's a more...

Lions Breath

Lions BreathLions breath is a yogic Pranayama or Kriya. It is a great tool to use to clear...

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Jaw Relaxation

Do you find yourself clenching your teeth when you feel stressed? Maybe even grinding them in your...

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Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a meditation practice that brings your mind and body into deep relaxation. This is...

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Voo Breath

It's time to VooA cow is super relaxed and so can you be. With the Voo! This will stimulate your...

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